As thoughts turn towards divorce, tempers can flare and people may behave in ways they normally would not be proud of, even in a relatively amicable situation. Of course, the bad behavior of a spouse—ranging from neglect of household duties to infidelity to abusive actions—may well have begun long before the divorce, and may well […]
Know The Legal Steps To Take After A Wrongful Death Caused By An Auto Accident
Struggling with the loss of a loved one is never easy. Figuring out the legal steps when dealing with a wrongful death due to an auto accident is difficult, which is why we’re here to help ease this troubling time. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that there are more than 32,367 […]
Is Massachusetts a 50/50 state when it comes to the division of assets in a divorce?
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is not a 50/50 state. When a court is needed to rule on the allocation of assets, they are not necessarily divided equally between the two parties. While some states mandate a 50/50 split, Massachusetts is an equitable division state. Commonwealth laws dictate that the courts can decide on a fair […]
Handling A Wrongful Death Claim
When a family member suspects wrongful death of a loved one, they can file a particular type of personal injury claim known as a wrongful death claim. Even if no one is criminally responsible for the death, someone can be held civilly liable through a wrongful death claim. Common causes of wrongful death claims include […]
I was injured as a passenger of an Uber driver, who is responsible for damages?
If you’re injured in a ride-sharing vehicle, such as Uber or Lyft, you have a right to get compensation for your injuries and other damages. Financial responsibility typically falls on the insurance company of the at-fault driver, which may be the ride-sharing company’s driver or another driver involved in the accident who caused the crash. […]