Know Before You Buy When buying a home, especially if this is your first time, you may feel overwhelmed by all the new terms entering your vocabulary, terms which seem interchangeable to you but may have very different legal meanings. This is perfectly normal. In this article, we will set out for you the difference […]
Who Can Claim a Child as Dependent on Taxes After Divorce?
Divorce can be a trying life event, but add filing taxes into the mix, and most parents are running for the hills. Not to worry, by the end of this article, all of your divorce tax filing questions will be answered. Filing Status Let’s start with filing status. For couples going through the process of […]
When Does a Text Message Become a Contract?
Group Chats, Emoticons, and Breach of Contract: When Does a Text Message Become a Contract? New Technologies, Established Obligations New media and technology have transformed the way we do business as compared not only to twenty years ago, but even as compared to ten or five years ago. Emails, social media posts, and even text […]
When To Use A Special Needs Trust
Special-Needs Trusts: An Overview of a Useful Estate-Planning Tool In planning one’s estate, one seeks to make one’s passing easier, financially, logistically, and emotionally, for loved ones. In planning for the future, you likely have given special consideration to loved ones who would not be able to provide for themselves if you were gone, such […]
Home Improvement Contracts: What Does Prompt Payment Mean?
Believing Before Seeing? How You Can Handle Home Improvement Contractor Payment Disputes Home Is Where the Legal Liability Is As the old saying goes, a man’s home is his castle—or a woman’s home is her castle, as the case may be. A home is also the largest single investment most of us will ever make […]
Can my 14-year-old decide to live with my ex?
As a divorcing parent battling over custody, there is always the fear that your child will decide they would rather live with the other parent. Even once custody has been determined, parents worry as children get older, they will want to move in with the other parent. Rest assured that minor children can’t make legal […]
Get a Grip on Legal Jargon: Divorce Terms Explained
When facing divorce, you may find yourself overwhelmed with the legal jargon used throughout the process. Add this frustration to the mounting stress and heightened emotion, and you may be left making poor decisions. While our firm is here to help guide you through the process and answer any questions you have, this guide may help […]
Verbal Contracts: Are They Enforceable in Massachusetts?
Is Your Word Your Bond? Our parents taught us to be people of our word—to mean what we say and say what we mean. For most situations in life, it is enough to give your word to enter into an agreement—from who will take out the trash this week to where to meet for dinner. […]
The Massachusetts Homestead Exemption: How It Works and How It Can Work for You
Protecting Your Home As the saying goes, your home is your castle. It is also the largest asset that many will ever own. In recognition of this, the Massachusetts Homestead Protection Law, passed in 2011, updated existing parts of the Massachusetts General Code to expand and clarify the protections that homeowners in the Commonwealth have […]
My husband’s medical condition was misdiagnosed. Who should be held responsible?
When a serious injury or even death results from a misdiagnosed condition, there are several parties that can be held liable. This includes doctors, radiologists, nurses, and pharmacists as potentially responsible parties. However, for a medical professional to be held liable for medical malpractice, there are specific legal requirements under the Commonwealth of Massachusetts law. […]